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What are common issues faced by U visa applicants?

On Behalf of | Jan 22, 2025 | U visas / T visas

The U visa program helps those harmed by certain crimes who work with police or investigators. This visa gives many benefits, but applying for it can be hard and confusing. Learning about these problems can help applicants prepare better and increase their chances of success.

Meeting eligibility requirements

A big challenge with U visas is meeting the rules to qualify. Applicants have to show proof that they suffered a lot of physical or emotional harm from a qualifying crime. They also need to prove that they helped or are willing to help law enforcement with the investigation or court case. It can be tough to gather enough evidence to meet these requirements.

Obtaining law enforcement certification

Getting a certification from law enforcement is another common hurdle. This form, called Form I-918B, proves that the applicant has helped with the investigation or prosecution of the crime. Some applicants find it hard to get this form because some law enforcement agencies hesitate to sign it or don’t understand the process. Without this form, the application cannot move forward.

Navigating lengthy processing times

The process for getting a U visa can take a long time. Only 10,000 U visas are issued each year, so applicants often have to wait for several years to get a decision. During this time, they may feel unsure about their legal status or the benefits they can access.

Addressing inadmissibility issues

Some applicants face extra problems like immigration violations or criminal records. They need to file a waiver request with Form I-192, which makes the process more complicated. Creating a strong waiver often requires extra paperwork and legal help.

Being prepared is key to overcoming these challenges. Applicants should collect evidence, seek help from immigration professionals, and stay updated on rule changes. With good planning and persistence, they can improve their chances of success.
